Friday, November 19, 2010

41m of fabric later...

Beryl, Denise, Chris, Stacey, Kelly and I had a fantastic weekend shopping for fabric in Sydney.  Between us we bought 41.3m of fabric for $1222!

Stay tuned for photos from the weekend and a list of next years projects - we have lots of beautiful things to make from all of the gorgeous fabrics.

Can't wait to show it all off at the next sewing day.


Monday, November 15, 2010

A Knitwit night

Twice a year the people from Knitwit visit each of the captial cities to show their current season fabrics and patterns.  This season Beryl, Denise, Stacey and I went along for a look.

It was a really worthwhile activity.  Getting to feel the fabrics and see the colours and patterns in real life enables an informed purchase decision (and entices you to buy more stuff).

I had little intention of buying on the night, but ended up with this pattern and fabric to make a fun and funky new dress (the fabric was on sale for $10/m, so it was a bargain)...

Denise and Beryl also bought new patterns.

I just have to be disciplined now, no more new projects until at least a few of my UFO's (unfinished objects) are complete.

Happy sewing,

Friday, November 5, 2010


I have a confession to make.  I have a PILE of unfinished sewing projects in my back room.  I think I get stuck on a project when the next step seems too hard, or I just get a bit bored with what I'm sewing.

I have made a promise to myself that I will spend the rest of this year finishing off unfinished sewing projects and NOT start anything new.

Just for the record, here's my list...

Take in Barcelona skirt (I made this just after I had Sadie, it's WAY too big) - DONE at last sewing day.
Alter Purple knit dress so it's not so long in the body (nearly finished this at the last sewing day, just have the hem around the armholes to go).
Do the binding on Sadie's Peter Rabbit quilt - this has become a UFO out of fear.  I put so much work into the top that I'm scared I'll stuff up the whole thing when I bind it.  I just need to bite the bullet and do it.
Finish my silver/pink long satin dress (need to make the bodice lining and put the whole thing together).
Make Sadie's denim dress (it's cut out, but that's all).
Take in two of Damien's t-shirts (I've done one so far).

Now it's on record I'm trusting you ladies will help me stay committed and stop me if I try to sew anything new!

Happy sewing,